Express Tropical Rush Gummies – Pretty Good Weed Specials – Farmer Jane Henderson

What’s new at Henderson?

Strain Grams Type Brand Price
Mountain Kush Shatter 1G Concentrate Roilty 32.99

Do you love edibles but don’t love the wait? These may be the gummies for you! Packed with fruit juiciness and available in two delicious flavors, these Xpress gummies are specially formulated to have a quicker onset than your traditional gummy. Tweed Xpress gummies can kick in as soon as 30 minutes after consumption (sometimes sooner!), each individual is different so effects may vary. These gummies come in a pack of 5 gummies containing 2mg of THC per gummy making it easy to cater your experience!

What’s on special at Henderson?

Strain Grams Type Brand Price
Romulan 28g Bulk Flower Palmetto 100.99
Unplug 0.5g Vape Cartridge Solei 14.99
Sense 0.5g Vape Cartridge Solei 14.99
Tropical Rush 5 x 2mg Edibles Tweed Xpress 6.29
Palmettos “Romulan” is grown in the heart of Alberta and sports dense frosty buds. This pine scented strain is an Indica-Dominant strain that provides intense cerebral effects that eventually lead into a sedative-relaxing high. Available in 3.5g, 14g, 28g and a 1g vape cartridge this strain has something for everyone!
The ‘Farmer Jane Henderson – Pretty Good Weed Specials’ is published every Monday as soon as the new stock enters the Winnipeg cannabis dispensary. Be the first to know what’s new, what’s on the special board, and what the budtenders are recommending you try.
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