Dank Rainbow – Pretty Good Weed Specials – Farmer Jane Henderson

What’s new at Henderson?

Strain Grams Type Brand Price
Dank Rainbow 1g Indica Boaz $11.99

This unique strain is brought to you from Boaz. The in house genetic are a mix of Death Bubba and Rainbow Punch with the trademark sour aroma of Death Bubba complimented by the sweetness of Rainbow Punch.

This indica leaning pre-roll is sure to take your Pride month to the next level!

What’s on special at Henderson?

Strain Grams Type Brand Price
S’mores n/a Chocolate Back Forty $3.00
Going camping? Love S’mores and want to elevate the experience? Come on down to Farmer Jane Henderson this week and pick up Back Forty Chocolate S’mores chocolate! They are incredible on their own but adding them to a fire roasted marshmallow and a gram cracker will level up your camping s’more game! Sharing is caring so make sure to pick up enough for all your camping friends too!
The ‘Farmer Jane Henderson – Pretty Good Weed Specials’ is published every Monday as soon as the new stock enters the Winnipeg cannabis dispensary. Be the first to know what’s new, what’s on the special board, and what the budtenders are recommending you try.
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