Black Magic – Pretty Good Weed Specials – Farmer Jane Plessis

What’s new at Plessis?

Strain Grams Type Brand Price
Black Magic 3.5g Whole Flower Smoke That Thunders 38.99
TobaJars (Lemon Cream Cake) 3.5g Whole Flower TobaGrown 26.99
Cherry Blossom (CBD) 1g Vape Cartridge Growtown 38.99
Roil Canadian Mint 1g Vape Cartridge Roilty 37.99
Unicorn Poop 1g Vape Cartridge Jonny Chronic 53.99

Here’s one for the Spooky Season lovers! Black Magic is a premium high-THC sativa flower, said to be Smoke By Thunders’ most potent strain yet! These sticky buds contain a unique blend of floral aromas, notes of grape and uplifting effects sure to have you feeling enchanted!

What’s on special at Plessis?

Strain Grams Type Brand Price
Watermelon Hybrid 10mg THC Edibles Wana 5.00
Sticky Buns 28g Bulk Flower Table Top 109.99
Looking for a sweet treat that’ll hit you right in the fall feels? Table Top’s Sticky Buns has you covered. This indica-dominant hybrid delivers with flavours of vanilla and cookie, and its creamy cinnamon aroma. That’s not all, Sticky Buns is a high THC cerebral strain with its top reported effects being relaxed, sleepy and happy. Kush Mints and Gellati come together to makeup these sticky green buds, and we think the duo was simply meant to be.
The ‘Farmer Jane Plessis – Pretty Good Weed Specials’ is published every Monday as soon as the new stock enters the Winnipeg cannabis store. Be the first to know what’s new, what’s on the special board, and what the budtenders are recommending you try.
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