Gummies: Your questions on cannabis edibles answered

Gummie edibles are one of the top sellers at Farmer Jane Cannabis Co. The gummies sales numbers are no surprise to Farmer Jane, as gummies are a great way to ingest cannabinoids and give you a mild, soothing high, without the side effects generally linked with smoking THC. In addition to the effects, gummies are candy and if you have a sweet tooth as Farmer Jane does, you won’t want to pass up the mouth-watering, delicious, fruity treats.

We know you have questions about these cannabis-infused edibles. Below are the questions we think you want to be answered, so dig in!

Gummies at Farmer Jane

1. How many types of gummies does Farmer Jane offer?

Farmer Jane stores carry a variety of different flavors from different brands. In the catalog right now, we have 68 different gummies available at Farmer Jane under 26 different brands. Since gummies are fairly new to the legal market, there are always new flavours dropping and flowing into our stores.

2. What are gummies made of?

Each gummie has different ingredients under the different brands but most gummies sold at Farmer Jane are made with real fruit puree and are infused with cannabis extract.

3. How long will gummies last?

For a full flavour experience, cannabis-infused gummies should be consumed before the best before date. You can find this date on your gummies package.

How long do gummies last?

4. Does the potency of gummies reduce over time? 

No, potency does not change over time. Although, for a full flavour experience, gummies should be consumed before the best before date on your package.

5. Does the texture of gummies change over time?

The texture of gummies should not change over time if you store your gummies properly in an air-tight container and at room temperature.

6. Will I feel ‘high’ after eating CBD gummies?

Since CBD is not psychoactive, the effects of eating CBD do not produce a ‘high’ that is typically associated with THC. But as with any cannabis product, Farmer Jane’s best advice is always to start low and go slow.


7. What’s the difference between Sativa and Indica gummies?

The Sativa cannabis strain contains both THC and CBD and is known for a high that makes the user feel more energetic or creative. The Indica cannabis strain contains both THC and CBD as well and is known for its sedating effects.

8. What is the best way to store gummies to keep them fresh?

For a full flavour experience, Farmer Jane recommends you store your gummies in an air-tight container at room temperature. Similar to regular gummy’s, you’ll want to keep your gummies out of direct sunlight, between 16 and 24 degrees Celsius. By doing this, you will ensure optimal freshness over time.

9. How many gummies should I eat at one time?

If you are new to cannabis-infused gummies, we recommend that you do your research or ask a budtender about dosage. It’s important to remember that everyone’s body reacts differently to a given amount. Our best advice is to start low, go slow, and wait until you feel the results. Based on how you feel, you may increase or decrease the amount as needed.

“For edibles, 2.5-5 mg of THC is a common starting dose. Although there are no established dosing guidelines for CBD pre-dominant extracts, many people are said to obtain benefits with lower doses, starting with between 5-20mg of CBD.”

10. What are Farmer Jane’s top-selling gummies?

Each week the top-selling gummies change as customers like to try new and different flavours. Last month Farmer Jane’s top three selling gummies were the Chowie Wowie – Pineapple Mango Gummies, the THC Biomed – KISS Strawberry Gummies, and the Wana – Strawberry Lemonade.

I Wana Blueberry Gummie

11. How long will I feel the effects?

An edible ‘high’ will generally last much longer than smoking dried flower or vaping – anywhere from 4 to 12 hours. As with onset time, the duration of an edible ‘high’ depends on a variety of factors, including dose and potency, in addition to individual factors such as your diet, weight, metabolism, and tolerance to cannabis. It’s important to remember that everyone’s body reacts differently to a given amount.

12. Where can I buy gummies?

Farmer Jane has the answer! When in search of both THC and CBD gummies, trying to find gummies you like can be a pain. You can check out our live menus here to see what gummies we have available in our Farmer Jane Dispensaries.  Each Farmer Jane store is different so you will want to check out the menu of the Farmer Jane location closest to you. We are open 7-days a week and always open to questions via phone or email. Give us a call at the location near you, email [email protected], or reach out on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and we will be happy to help you out with product questions, dosage questions, or anything you might be curious about.

See you soon in our Farmer Jane Cannabis store and enjoy your edibles!